Jazz dancing - or heck, any kind of modern dance - without pirouettes would be quite born indeed. Pirouettes, or jazz turns with one leg extended outward, are fancy and beautiful, very ballerina-like in their smooth and graceful execution.
Lyrical dance is one of those art forms that's just so pretty. You'll always have more postmodern dance forms that operate on the premise that anything can be art, thereby producing funky hand and leg movements, but watching lyrical dance is like hearing the sweetest love song.
In The Netherlands, Gabber Hardcore is the music of choice for rebellious young people, much like punk and underground hip-hop in the US. It is a blisteringly fast style of electronic music which might seem hard to dance to at first. Enter the hakken, the dance of choice for the Gabber listener. Watch this video to learn how to do the hakken, and you will know what to do next time you're at a hardcore club in Holland.
A needle is when one foot is on the ground (flat) in-line with the shoulders, and the opposite leg is kicked back, reaching for the sky. This puts the dancer in a "needle" position, with the straight legs forming a straight line, from head to toe. In this dance lesson, you'll learn how you can do a needle yourself. You need to be extremely flexible before trying this dance move, so don't over-exert yourself.
If you thought Jaden Smith was indeed the "new" Karate Kid, then you probably also loved the music video for the hit song "Never Say Never" by Jaden and pop sensation Justin Bieber. In this video, you'll learn how to do the dane routine from the music video and Karate Kid film, with a full breakdown of the dance.
Before you even try these dance steps, make sure you watch the official music video for "Can't Be Tamed" from Miley Cyrus. It's definitely a departure from the younger Miley we all knew and love, but she's growing up and her dance moves are more sexual than ever.
Combine the power of gymnastics with the flexibility and smoothness of dance by performing this split-roll dance move. These future Olympic gymnasts will show you how to perform this dance move like a pro.
Getting a lightshow from one person at a rave is crazy, enough, but where they really start to get crazy is when people do duo lightshows. In a duo, one person stands over and behind the crouching main person giving the lightshow, complementing their show above them. Watch this video for tips on doing really great duo lighshows.
Rave light shows are one of the most intimate and enjoyable experiences that people can share at a rave, but getting started when you don't know what you're doing can be a scary thought. Watch this video to learn how you can perform some basic glove lighshow moves like the figure 8, the most basic move in lightshows, and the finger roll.
Light shows are one of the best parts of raves, bringing people together to participate in a whole new type of social interaction. Gloves have become the most popular tools of the lightshow trade, and this video will teach you how to make your own custom set exactly how you want them. It discusses types of lights, batteries, and everything else you need to know to make your first set of gloves.
The Era of Disco is perhaps best defined by the dance-centric movie "Saturday Night Fever," starring a young and slim John Travolta. The movie was full of decadence in the form of big afros, big bellbottoms and ever bigger diva egos, but Travolta stood out on his mad dance skills alone.
These days, if you hear the word "thrusting" in the same sentence as "dancing" then you probably imagine a guy doing naughty things to a girl at a seedy nightclub. But we're not talking about grinding here.
The bus stop is definitely not a move you'll want to break out on your next clubbing trip with your gal pals, but it sure is a fun move to do when you're just goofing around with friends at home or going to a '70s theme party!
Without giving offense to this dance move, the pas de bouree Jazz/Funk dance move basically makes you look like a dancing pretzel. When you watch the video at first it looks a little confusing since you're crossing your legs continuously, but really all it is is setting a pattern and following it.
Finger tutting and digitz are related, but as different as two dance styles that both have words that mean finger in their name can be. This video will show you how to do a sick, fairly basic dance combo that integrates aspects of tutting, finger tutting, and digitz into a sick little move.
At 16, this kid can dance better than most people ever will. His moves are sick, and in this video he's gonna teach you how to do a sick king tut combo. If you need a little help with your tutting, check out this tutorial. Then put your hands together and start tuttin'.
So you think you can king tut? No matter how good your are at tutting, there are always new combos to learn. This video will show you how to do a really sick one that takes about eight seconds and can easily be slotted in alongside your other moves.
Finger tutting is one of the coolest techniques for giving lightshows at raves or spicing up a hip-hop routine. This video will tech you a cool finger tut combo that involves a lot of back-and-forth and diagonal finger connections. If you don't have strong, flexible fingers, move on. You'll need them here.
Tutting is one of the members of the larger Popping family of hip-hop dance styles, so named because the moves are inspired by the right angle heavy art of early Egyptians. It looks very cool and doesn't requires as much full-body coordination as many other dances, so learn it! This video will give you some tips for making your King Tut Style look more clean. It doesn't feature many new moves, but should make all your other moves look better.
Tecktonik dance combines aspects of disco, glowsticking, and hip-hop dance to create a funky, fast, futuristic hybrid style that has become quite fashionable in the electro house scene (which has itself become very fashionable over the same period). This pair of videos will teach you many of the basic and more advanced steps to Tecktonik dancing at a very manageable pace, and should help you sharpen your moves before your next big Dirty South or D Ramirez party.
In this tutorial, we learn how to do the moonwalk like Michael Jackson. First, start out standing up with your feet together. Next, pop up your right knee and drag your left leg back, popping that knee up as well. Once you have dragged the right foot back, drag the left foot back while both knees are popped. Do this with a smooth transition, so it looks like it's one fluid movement. Practice several times for a better outcome, and do it in front of a mirror to see yourself better. Just remember...
Got moves? Than show them off! School dances can be pretty lame, but you could pump up the volume and make it one of the best nights of the school year… along with impressing all of your classmates (or maybe completely embarrassing yourself). Be creative with your sources to impress your classmates at your next school dance.
When learning a new dance from scratch, it may be difficult to remember these steps. So it's important to try and use any trick so that you won't make yourself look like a fool. In this next tutorial, you'll get an easy trick that you can use to help make sure that you look like a pro out on the dance floor. So sit back and let dance instructor Nina Ortega, show you what you need to do to remember dance steps easily. Good luck and enjoy!
Emily, Marley, Rebecca, Sloane and Katrina with Fit For A Feast demonstrate how to do pirouettes. A pirouette is a basic dance move. Use spotting to prevent dizziness and complete multiple turns. Keep staring at the same spot while turning and then switch at the last moment. Put your left leg in front and extend your arms so that they are opposite your legs. The right arm will be forward straight out and the left arm will be extended out toward your legs. Then, bend at the knees with the back...
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to do the shuffle dance. This video will teach users how to do the Running Man, the T, kicks and spins. To do the Running Man, pivot one foot back as you lift the other foot up. Then place the lifted foot down and push the other foot back further. It looks like a robotic way of walking. To do the T, pivot one foot from heel to toe as you continuously stomp n the floor with the other foot. To do kicks, it is the same concept as the Running Man, except...
The tank man tango is a dance choreographed to commemorate the massacre at Tiananment Square. All you need to do it is a couple of bags and your dance skills. Let the instructions in this video do the rest for you.
Flavorwire has compiled an incredible collection of dance videos, featuring all the Hollywood greats, from Fred Astaire to John Travolta to the cast of Slumdog Millionaire.
Celebrating the life and times of Michael Jackson? Impressing your friends at a wedding reception or party? Looking for a funky form of exercise that not many people know how to do? Look no further! In this video, you will not only learn how to Moonwalk just like the King of Pop, you will also get tips on how to do the Airwalk and the Glidestep! You will look like you can walk on air and make everyone jealous with your sweet moves. So, grab your dancin' shoes and head out to the sidewalk...
Incredible dance production,Thousand-Hand Guan Yin, performed by China's Disabled People's Performance Art Troupe. All of the performers are deaf, which makes the choreography quite an amazing accomplishment.
Modern and interpretative dance is a very popular dance form. In this how to video, Joshua Bergasse demonstrates a modern across the floor combination. This is an 8 count modern dance routine. Watch this how to video and you will be able to do a modern across the floor dance combination.
Modern and interpretative dance is a very popular dance form. In this how to video, Jon Lehrer, the founder of Lehrer Dance, demonstrates the "Swings on 2" exercise. This modern dance routine focuses on circularity and momentum. Watch this how to video and you will be able to do the "Swings on 2" modern dance in the Lehrer style.
Check out this demonstrational dance video that shows a quick house freestyle dance. This is a demo video that is meant to be casual and fun. Have fun emulating these cool house moves.
Modern dance moves have foundations in ballet, but are modified to create a unique movement. Learn modern dance moves with this free instructional dance video series.
A barrel jump in modern dance is a turn in the air with both legs bent. See the barrel jump with tips from a professional dancer in this free modern dance video.
Floor leg swings help loosen hip and back muscles. Learn to warm-up for modern dancing with floor leg swing exercises in this free dance video from a professional dance instructor.
This how to video demonstrates how the start of a modern dance routine is put together.Follow along to get a good taste of what contemporary dance can involve.
This how to video shows the key dance posture exercise that every budding dancer needs to do. It doesn't matter whether you are learning ballet, hip hop or any other type of dance.
In this video series, our expert Safi Thomas will tell you all about Reggae Dancehall, including how to do chest isolations, waist isolations, and the dutty whine
In this video series you will not only learn many of the basics for Jazz dancing but how to put them all together. Our expert covers everything from the type of shoes that are best for training to how to isolate your head when performing a move.
In this video series you will not only learn many of the basics for Jazz dancing but how to put them all together. Our expert covers everything from the type of shoes that are best for training to how to isolate your head when performing a move. These hands on videos will walk you step by step through the fundamentals and show you how anyone can be a dancer, even you!!
In this video series, watch as dancer Maila Damian teaches beginners how to Jazz dance. Learn how to do the step touch, the pivot, the kick ball change, jazz squares, the sachet, the passe, the drag step, and a full Jazz dance routine.